Sunday, 29 September 2013
Sunday, 1 September 2013
Ni Sawa kabisa kutimuliwa kwa Mansoor !
Hakuna Jipya au la kushangaza kwa kutimuana mwanachama katika chama cha Kisiasa .
Mtindo wa mwana siasa wa chama hiki au kile kufukuzwa chamani si jambo jipya duniani.
Si Jipya wala si haramu,kwa sababu ni jambo la kawaida . Si chama cha CCM, ndicho kinachofukuza watu chamani . CUF - wamemfukuza Rashid Hamadi na wengineo . CHADEMA - kimewafukuza mamia ya wanachama waliopinga siasa potoshi za kikabila .
George Galaway , wa Uingereza , alifukuzwa katika chama Labour. ANC - wamefukuza Malema Kagema - amewafukuza na hata kuwafunga waliompinga.Museveni,nae amefanya hayo hayo na zaidi ya hayo na vipo vyama vingi na wengi wengineo duniani.
Kwa nini hii leo iwe kero kwa sababu CCM imemtimua Mansoor?
Huu ndio ujuha wa akili za wapinzani.
Uwanachama na kuigia katika chama maana yake ni kuamini -SERA NA ITIKADI ZA CHAMA.
Unapo kwenda kinyume na SERA NA ITIKADI ZA CHAMA ,ni sawa na kujitowa katika chama.Hilo si jambo geni kwa mwenye akili. Ikiwa mtu hakubaliani na sera za chama pana mambo mawili:
Ama kungojea kufukuzwa kama vile alivyofanya Mansoor au kujitoa mwenyewe kwa hiyari ikiwa mtu ni mstaarabu.
Baadhi ya watu wanataka kumvalisha Mansoor ,kilemba cha ukoka katika michakato kwenye masuala ya kile kiitwacho "Masilahi ya Chama" na "Masilahi nchi " - maanenohaya kwa kweli ni political jagons/rhetorics za kipotoshi za kisiasa zinazotumiwa na vipofu wengi wa siasa za CUF ambao wanataka kubabaisha UMMA wa wananchi .
Wanao piga debe la CUF utawasikia wakisema "Tunapigania masilahi ya nchi sio masilahi ya chama ".
Kwani masilahi ya chama na itikadi zake zinapiganiwa kwa sababu ya mawingu na upepo au kwa sababu uboreshaji wa hali ya maisha ya wananchi katika nchi ya Zanzibar?
Kwani chama kisiasa kinapopigania kushika khatamu za utawala,kwa mujibu wa "Sera na Itikadi za Chama " hawasemi kua "sera zao na Itikadi zao ikiwa za Kiliberali au za kijamaa ndizo sambamba na masilahi na mahitaji ya nchi ?
Sasa hawa wapi madebe matupu kwa nini wanataka kutofautisha "MASILAHI YA CHAMA NA MASILAHI YA NCHI "?.
Kuhusu haki ya Kikatiba ya nchi kuwa ni juu na ya nguvu zaidi kuliko haki za chama .
Katiba ya nchi inampa kila mwananchi haki sawa ya kujitamka,kutowa fikira zake,na kuamini akitakacho bila ya woga au wasi wasi na vitisho. Na ndio maana kila mwananchi anatumia uhuru huo na haki hizo za kuchaguwa chama au hata Dini aipendayo kwa mujibu wa imani yake .
Kwa mfano.
Mwananchi anapo kubaliana na kuamini Dini ya Uisilamu - mtu huyo hawezi kamwe kuubiri ukristo msikitini, akifanya hivyo bila ya shaka ATATIMILIWA BILA YA HURUMA .
Mwananchi yeyote yule anapojiunga kwa mfano kwenye chama CUF - haitawezekana kamwe awe anapita pita kuubiri mambo ya siasa za Chadema seuze za CCM -mwanachama huyo hapana shaka atatimuliwa kama vile walivyotimiliwa akina Rashid Hamadi na wenzake wengi.Viongozi wa CUF walifanya hivyo bila ya aibu na kutowa sababu za kama wao ni watume wa mambo ya kisiasa Kijiweni.
Kwa nini liwe kubwa kwa kufukuzwa kwa Mansoor ?
Kwa nini Mansoor ,asitimuliwe wakati hafuati miongozo na sera za chama cha CCM.Wananchi wa Zanzibar mnapenda sana kudangwa na kujidanganya -ukweli mnauogopa na mnachaguwa uwongo kuufanya ndio Ukweli.
Wengine wanasema Mansoor ,hastahiki kufukuzwa kwa sababu uzaliwa wake na Yusuf Himidi.
Wengine wanasema amefukuzwa kwa sababu mama yake ni mwarabu. Kufukuzwa kwake ni kinyume na katiba ya nchi.
Wapinzani wanaropokwa maneno mengi ama kutokana na ujinga wao wa kisiasa au chuki zao dhidi ya CCM.
Sababu zote tatu ni potoshi na ni kasuma za wenda wazimu wenye ukosefu wa ukomavu wa kisiasa .
Tokea lini haki ya kuchagua na kujitamka kurithiwa kutoka kwa bibi ?
Itakuwaje Kukubaliwa au kukataliwa uwanachama iwe kwa sababu za uasili wa wazazi wa mwananchi? Imekhusu nini kuingiza Katiba ya Nchi na suala uwanachama katika chama cha siasa?.
Katiba ya nchi yeyote kwenye nchi za ustaarabu wa haki za Binaadam haiwezi kulazimisha chama chochote kuingiza au kumtowa mwananchi chamani . Kuingia au kutoka katika chama ni uhuru wa mtu. Kuchaguwa na kuomba kuchaguliwa VIVYO HIVYO ni haki ya kila mwananchi.
Chama chochote cha Kisiasa ni sovereign kujiamuliya kuhusu uwanachama kwa misingi ya sheria na kanuni zake kwa mujibu wa sheria za nchi.
Kila chama kina haki ya kumkubali au kumkatalia uwanchama mtu yeyote ,ikiwa baba yake alikuwa mwana mapinduzi baada ya kuuwa watu au ikiwa baba yake alikuwa shekhe au shoga hiyo haikhusiani na lolote.Ikiwa anaetaka uwanachama haaminiki katika imani na itikadi au ni mweda wazimu kwa nini apewe uwanachama ?
Kikawaida mtu mstaarabu anatafuta uwanachama kwa mujibu wa Itikadi zake ,Mansoor ameingizwa CCM kilazima na kwa sababu zake za kibinafsi sio kwa Itikadi za kisiasa.Yeye kunako mfaa ni CUF NA WENZAKE .
Tokea lini ukamuona Mkoministi kuingia katika chama cha wanaopenda Uleberali - mambo ya haki za Ushoga na Usagaji ?
Kila mwananchi ambae anapenda siasa za Kiliberali za kama za CUF -anataka nini katika CCM wakati chama hiki ni cha siasa za Ujamaa ? Tokea lini Mkiristo kutaka kusaliya Msikitini ? Kwa hivyo Mansoor ,lake ni kuenda kule kwa anaosikilizana kwa yote
na hasa kisiasa- si kwengine ni kule kule CUF. TATIZO LIKO WAPI ?
Tutahadhari kuigizwa katika Ujinga na Jazba ,za kwamba kila asiyetaka siasa ya MAMLAKA KAMILI NI MSALITI NA HAPAENDELEI "masilahi ya nchi " - sasa kwa lugha HIYO HIYO ya Ma-CUF sasa ule uhuru na haki kwa wote Kikatiba haki ya Kujitamka,Kufikiri na Kuchagua haija tuhusu "sisi tusio taka kuuvunja Muungano.?".
Tunacho kijuwa sisi ni kwamba ishara za Usaliti zipo kwa CUF ,kwa sababu ya UADUI WAO WA KUTAKA KUUVUNJA UNDUGU WETU WA JADI BAINA YA ZANZIBAR NA TANGANYIKA = MUUNGANO WA TANZINIA .
Ali Mtsashiwa
Posted by Kibunango at 19:34 0 comments
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Unguja wakataa Serikali tatu...
Wajumbe wa Baraza la Katiba Wilaya Kaskazini (B) Unguja wameukataa Muundo wa Serikali tatu uliopendekezwa na Tume ya Mabadiliko ya Katiba Tanzania kwa madai kuwa utaliongezea taifa gharama zisizokuwa za lazima.
Wakizungumza wakati wa kutoa maoni yao kwenye rasimu ya Katiba, Wajumbe hao hamesema hawaoni haja wala ulazima wa kuwa kuliongezea taifa gharama hizo, wakati nchi bado ina mambo mengi yanayohitaji uwezeshwaji.
Abdallah Kombo Baraka kutoka shehia ya Zingwe zingwe akichangia alisema mfumo huo ambao ulipendekezwa na Tume haufai kwa sasa hivi Taifa lina mambo yakushuhulikia kuliko kuongeza jukumu lingine.
“Hivi sasa kupata huduma kume jaa urasimu halafu unaongeza Serikali ya tatu si hatari zaidi” alisema Baraka.
“Waheshimiwa hivi sasa uchumi wetu uko chini halafu tunataka kuongeza Serikali ya tatu njaa si itatisha jamani, mimi napendekeza muundo wa sasa uendelee” alisema Khamis Makame Mkombe akichangia katika Mkutano huo.
Alisema kuleta Muungano wa shirikisho ni njiia za kuua Mungano ambao umedumu kwa nusu karine.
Sambamba na hayo Salim Suleiman Ameir kutoka shehia ya Donge alisema Muundo wa serikali tatu si makubaliano ya Waasisi Abeid karume na Mwalimu Nyerere na kudai kuleta mfumo mpya ni kuvunja heshima yao.
“Tukiwa na Muungano wa shirikisho lazima kuwe na mkataba maalumu mmoja akiukiuka ndio Muungano ushavunjika uoo, kwa hiyo ni vyema tuendelee na mfumo wetu huu uliasisiwa na wazee wetu ili tupate radhi zao” alieleza Ameir.
Baadaye Mjumbe wa tume ya mabadiliko katiba Awadhi Ali Said alitoa ufafanuzi uliolenga kuelezea Serikali ziliopo Tanzania lakini wajumbe hao waliendelea na msimamo wao huo.
Posted by Kibunango at 15:01 0 comments
Monday, 22 July 2013
Hedonism-Nationalism and Corruption in Zanzibar -Tanzania.
It is June –July season again, which means many of our Tanzanian “compatriots” from different
parts of the World are coming “home”to their motherland, but just like tourists they are only
coming for holidays.
The Kenyans, Ugandans, Somalis, Comorians and others from the neighboring countries are doing the same.
They bring a lot of money into their respective countries.
In Zanzibar, these our compatriots are commonly known as “Ma-juni-julayi ” or “ Ma-JJ`z ”,but for good
reasons, I prefer to call them the Hedonists/Wapenda Anasa.
There are at least three types of hedonists of post-independence and revolutionary period in Tanzania.
Group A – The Rosed-Hedonists.
This is a completely new type of compatriots previously unknown in Tanzanian political history,
especially in Zanzibar.
One can be utterly surprised how for example, these guys become fiercely nationalists once they
leave our national borders.
They see Unguja, Pemba, Tanga,Arusha,Mwanza,Mtwara, Bukoba , Morogoro ,Dar-es-salaam and
Dodoma as paragon of the best of everything and despite often have no intention of returning
back “ home” for good.
But they always have the audacity to tell their fellow countrymen something like this:
“You don’t know how good it was before Ujamaa Politics and Zanzibar Revolution.
Our country was good and there were full of opportunities for those who could think and had means .
( Arrogantelly they forgot to say " and those who had no means were inherentelly unable to think or
because of not thinking they could find the means to use those opprotunities ).What ???
This is an obvious double tongued hypocritical statement.
Such kind of statement is usually said either while on departure at the airport leaving the “homeland “
or in the streets of Berlin, Copenhagen, Dubai, Muscat, London, Ottawa, Paris,London, New York,
Mississippi or Alabama. These type of Hedonists have no intention to return at all.
They are just a group of blind jingoistic, nostalgic nationalists who pretend not to rememeber at
all the pre-independence and revolutionary periods.
Group B –Arrogant Hedonists.
They unlike the Rosed Hedonists are always confused for not being able to differentiate between
Nationalism/Uzalendo and National Identity – The Zombies.
They usually avoid to talk about the past and present social structures.
These are our compatriots who are still clinging in older version of Zanzibar and Tanganyika have not
yet seen the bright light of Tanzanian today.
These type of Hedonists loves to talk about the “good old days” and rattles off at length about how so
Wonderful schools, hospitals, or music (there was no rape and reggae music or drug) the social structure
was good “ everyone knew where he or she rightfully belongs”, and how safe it was in old days .
They love to bemoan the state of how terrible Unguja ,Pemba and Tanganyika is doing nowadays
with all violance,drug sale ,traficking and corruptions.
They even come with bags of “Corruption-hate-Manifestos” and what is common to them all is that they all
" know what is good for Zanzibar and have ready made solutions" and it is said that some of them are secretelly
financing some opposition parties and institutions.
These are people with their own agenda and political objectives.
It is true that corruption is rampant, but what is surprising, is that these adamant Hedonists are very active
participants in promoting and sustaining corruption especially when lobbing for privatization and reclaiming
land, buildings, farms and houses which were previously nationalized and distributed to the have nots.
One should not be fooled though, because this type of Hedonits are only prevalent among a particular
group and cuts across race-tribal lines with all of various geneses ,some well healed comfortable
individuals, unemployed youths who wishfully dream for the “ promised land “ as pictured by the
anti-CCM Hysterics .
The anti-Muungano politicians dream for a country that was not only equal but even better run,
like Norway,Sweden, Finland,Danmark,USA,France,Germany,Canada, Malasia or even Dubai and Muscat .
The hedonists and their political allies know too well as to how these countries were built and for
how long until they reached the present stage.
Group C – A Comparatively well balanced Hedonist.
This is a decent compatriot, a person with good but naïve intentions.
Though this type of person is my favorite ,but he has a deficit in comphending the challenges
for development.
This type of Hedonist is often in a state of “homesickness”, especially in times of hardships and
discriminations in Asia,Europe and America.
But he is very grateful for what he have and live now after those hardships he encountered during and
after revolutionary periods in Zanzibar and Tanganyika . For him he always says”Baada ya Dhiki Faraji “.
Somehow an optimist,not a wishfull thinker like some semi-interlectuals and political hecklers .
However this type of Hedonist does not in any way see the foresaid foreign countries as being impossibly
superior and blindly defend and want to copy their politico-economic and constitutional system -
I ,therefore prefer to call him a compatriot, who see the potholes in the roads, shortages of
school and hospitals as being challenges to build a better tomorrow .
He is different from other Hedonits who sees only the potholes and no road around it or no modern
school and hospitals at all.
The first two groups of Hedonists are specialists in either Doom or Gloom.
Notwithstanding their discomforting idealizing of “old good days “ when many of them were living in
area that would be lucky to any infrastructure at all, this type of Hedonists are like oppositions political
parrots who can never say anything good and positive of today’s Tanzania`s Zanzibar, and surely gives
good thanks they managed to escape and seek asylum, permanent residence and foreign citizenship,
for their personel conveniance..
Whist group A may need to wake up and smell the ginger tea to see things for what they are, group B needs
a good dose of Bukoba or post –revolutionary Zanzibar coffee so that they can relax a little and see what
progress has actually been made since 1964 Revolition under ASP/CCM Zanzibar.
Reasonableness and Rationality are the two qualities much loved by Wananchi of Tanzania and THAT all
the shortcomings in our Muungano Constitution can and should be solved in that spirit and not
through Jazbas ,Power Greed and POLITICAL CANNIBALISM.
Its not acceptable to agree with oppinion polls based on ill informed majority who want to destroy our hard
won Unity and Develeopment . Our Freedom came Through the Bullets and not the BALLOTS.
Jiangalieni kwenye kiyooo msema wapi mlipo.
Muungano Oyee !!!!!!!
Ali Mtsashiwa
Posted by Kibunango at 12:45 0 comments