Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Mamma Mia...

Mustafa Hassanali kuhamasisha uzazi salama nchini Tanzania

Maonyesho ya bure ya kwanza ya mavazi kufanyika tarehe 5 Machi

Fedha zaidi zahitajika toka serikalini kupunguza vifo vinavyotokana na uzazi

Yale maonyesho ya mavazi yajulikanayo kama ‘mamma mia’ yenye nia ya kuhamasisha uzazi salama, sambamba na sherehe za miaka 50 ya uhuru Tanzania, na miaka mia moja ya siku ya mwanamke duniani , kwa kushirikiana na shiriki lisilo la kiserikali la utepe mweupe ‘White Ribbon Alliance’ na ‘Vodacom Foundation’, yazinduliwa rasmi.

Akizungumza katika uzinduzi huo, mbunifu wa mavazi, aliyejipatia umaarufu kitaifa na kimataifa, Mustafa Hassanali amesema “ntazindua toleo langu jipya la ki-afrika katika maonyesho haya ya ‘Mamma Mia’ siku ya tarehe 4 na tano mwezi Machi hapahapa jijini Dar es salaam, na nategemea kupata ushirikiano wa watu wote, katika kuhamasisha uzazi salama kwa msaada wa shirika la utepe mweupe”

‘Mamma Mia’ ni jukwaa la maonyesho ya mavazi ambalo limelengwa mahsusi katika kusambaza ujumbe kuhusu uzazi salama, litafanyika tarehe nne mwezi machi, katika hoteli ya ‘Moevenpick Royal Palm’ kuanzia saa mbili na nusu usiku, na onyesho jingine kwa siku ya Jumamosi ya tarehe tano kuanzia saa tisa na nusu jioni, katika viwanja vya Mnazi Mmoja.

“nimefurahi sana kuwa wa kwanza kuandaa onyesho la mavazi la bure nchini kwa siku ya tarehe tano, ambalo madhumuni yake sio tu kuhamasisha uzazi salama, bali pia kuifanya tasnia ya ubunifu wa mavazi na mitindo iweze kufikiwa na wengi pale katika viwanja vya Mnazi Mmoja.” Alieleza Hassanali

Akizungumza kuhusu ‘Mamma Mia’ ni jina lililotokana na wimbo uliovuma sana katika miaka ya 80 na kundi la ‘ABBA’, ambapo mia inasimama kuiwakilisha sarafu ya shilingi mia , na miaka mia moja ya ya siku ya mwanamke duniani, Mustafa anaongeza kuwa, “kwa kila atakae kuja kuangalia shoo, atatoa shilingi mia moja, si kwa maana nyingine bali ni kama mchango wake katika kuhamasisha uzazi salama nchini”

Akiongezea katika suala zima la uzazi salama, mratibu wa Taifa wa Muungano wa jumuiya ya utepe mweupe na uzazi salama nchini, Bi Rose Mlay amesema kuwa, toka mwaka 2004, wamekuwa mstari wa mbali katika kuhamasisha and kuiomba serikali kuongeza fungu katika bajeti ya sekta ya afya na uuguzi, ili kupunguza vifo vitokanavyo na matatizo ya uzazi.

“mpaka sasa, ni asilimia 51 tu ya wanawake wote Tanzania , ndio wanaojifungua chini ya usimamizi na kusaidiwa na wataalamu wa afya, na sababu kuu ya hili ni upungufu wa vifaa na wafanyakazi wa afya katika sekta ya uzazi kwa mikoa mingi ya pembezoni mwa Tanzania, hii sio nzuri na Haikubaliki, kwani kila mwanamke ana haki ya kujifungua salama chini ya wataalamu wa afya. Na ndio maana tunahamasisha uzazi salama.”aliongezea kusema Mama Mlay.

Msukumo wa hili hautawezekana bila ushirikiano kutoka watu na mashirika mbalimbali, ambapo Mamma mia kwa ushirikiano na shirika la utepe mweupe ( White Ribbon Alliance) pamoja na ‘Vodacom Foundation’ ikiwa na baadhi ya waliojitolea kusaidia hili ni pamoja na ‘Johns Hopkins Centre for Communication Programs in Tanzania’, The Citizen, ‘Uhuru one’, ‘Moevenpick Royal Palm Hotel’, Novamedia, Ultimate Security, Darling Hair na Image Masters.

Wabunifu wengine watakaoshiriki katika kampeni hizi ni pamoja na mshindi wa tuzo za ubunifu kutoka Zanzibar Farouque Abdella, Henrietta Ludgate na Minna Hepbum wote toka ‘London Fashion Week’, Uingereza.

Nukuu kwa Mhariri:


Mustafa Hassanali ni mbunifu mjasiriamali anaeamini katika ‘daima sitashindwa’ huku akitumia kipaji chake na ubunifu wake wa mavazi katika kuleta maisha bora ya sasa na ya baadae.

Kazi za mbunifu Mustafa zimekuwa zikithaminika na kuonyeshwa kimataifa, ambapo Mustafa alifanikiwa kuonyesha ubunifu wake katika nchi kama Angola ‘Angola Fashion Business’, FAFA (Festival of African Fashion and Arts in Kenya), Kameruni, Wiki ya Mitindo India 2009, Naomi Campbell’s fashion for relief 2009, Arise Africa Fashion Week 2009, Wiki ya mavazi Durban & Cape town, Vukani Fashion Awards Pretoria, Miss Ethiopia Beauty Pageant, Mediterranean Fashion Festival, Sicily, Italia, M’net Face of Africa, Msumbiji, Uganda, na Wiki ya Mitindo Kenya, ambayo kwa pamoja yamemletea heshima kubwa, ndani na nje ya nchi.

Ni shirika la kimataifa lisilo la kiserikali, lenye nia ya kuleta mabadiliko katika suala zima la uzazi salama, kati ya mama na mtoto duniani kote.

Katika jamii nyingine, rangi nyeupe ina maana ya majonzi, na jamii nyingine, nyeupe in maana ya matumaini na uhai, hivyo basi utepe mweupe umetwaliwa kama kumbukumbu kwa wanawake wote waliofariki kwa mimba , na katika harakati za kujifungua.
Toka ilipoanzishwa mwaka 1999, shirika la utepe mweupe limekuwa likikuwa kwa kasi duniani kote, hadi kufikia kuwa na nchi wanachama 148 ambao wanapaza sauti zao kwa ajili ya wanawake na jamii zao kwa ujumla. Ambapo kwa sasa linaongoza katika kuyakabili majanga yanayotokana na vifo vya uzazi.


Mustafa Hassanali, ni mbunifu wa mavazi anayeshirikiana kwa karibu sana na shirika hili, ambapo kwa pamoja waliwahi kufanya onyesho na Naomi Campbell lililofahamika kama ‘Naomi Cambpell’s fashion for Relief’ mwaka 2009, ambapo zilokusanywa kiasi cha dola 65,000.

Mustafa Hassanali, mwenye shahada ya udaktari, anaamini kwa moyo mkunjufu kabisa katika kutumia mitindo kama njia yakusaidia kuchangisha fedha, na kusambaza ujumbe wa masuala ya afya kwa jamii yote.

Kwa maelezo zaidi tembelea

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Prince William ashauriwa kwenda honeymoon yake Zanzibar...

Zanzibar's New Star of the East Hotel Is Fit for a Royal Honeymoon

While Prince Wills and Princess-to-be Kate Middleton are rumored to be spending their honeymoon in Isles of Scilly, we can't help thinking the royal couple should maybe pull a switcheroo and shack up at the newly opened Star of the East on Zanzibar.

The Tanzania hotel would provide a paparazzi-free zone. It only offers 11 villas, and each has its own private plunge pool, Jacuzzi, personal butler, ginormous furnished terrace and lush garden full vegetation, from which the newlyweds will be able to watch the sunset and get all romantic.

Plus, the all-inclusive hotel offers a private beach where the couple can frolic without getting bothered by stalker fans. Though we think we could spend the entire time chillaxing in the terrace (see picture). And though it's a small, exclusive resort, there's a spa, the Mvua African Rain Spa, where the lovebirds can get some post-nuptial pampering.

The villas, two of which are two-bedroom spaces, have a traditional hut shape with retaining walls made of local stone and coral rock. They also are eco-friendly, sporting solar panels and using an irrigation system where outgoing water is used to irrigate the gardens instead of wasted.

Rooms start at around 635 Euros, or $868 a night. A two-week stay there would definitely require a royal-sized budget.


Sunday, 20 February 2011

Mchungaji wa Kimarekani wa Kanisa la Anglikan kwenda Zanzibar

The Rev. Jerry Kramer, the Episcopal priest who threw his church into the recovery of Broadmoor after Hurricane Katrina, has left the church for a more conservative Anglican community.

Kramer, the former rector of the Free Church of the Annunciation, said by e-mail he now is affiliated with the Anglican Church in North America.

That community is composed of former Episcopalians who split with the U.S. church in 2008 over deep theological differences.

Kramer is now a member of an Anglican community in New Braunfels, Texas, with his wife and three children.

He said he is awaiting training before moving to Zanzibar, off the coast of Tanzania in east Africa, to do missionary work in a predominantly Muslim region.

Kramer left New Orleans in 2009 on a medical disability. He said he was physically and psychologically exhausted, suffering from difficult-to-manage diabetes, heart and liver problems.

After Katrina ruined his church, Kramer and his congregation put off rebuilding.

Instead, they opened the campus to the needs of Broadmoor residents, who received food, washed their clothes, got health care and used trailers on the site to house the offices of the Broadmoor Improvement Association, which planned the recovery of the devastated neighborhood.

Kramer's gifts fit the moment. Hyperactive and inventive, he spun off ministries and blew up established conventions in pursuing the work, almost erasing the distinctions between the church and the surrounding community.

In other ways, however, he was deeply orthodox.

He was increasingly ill at ease with changes in the Episcopal church's theology, particularly what critics saw as its diminution of the authority of Scripture and its increasing openness to faithful, same-sex relationships.

Those were the changes that caused the rift between the Episcopal church and those who left to form the Anglican Church in North America. That body, which says it has 100,000 members in nearly 1,000 congregations, now seeks to become a recognized member of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

From Texas, Kramer said the Epsicopal church "simply no longer believes what Christian have always believed."

He said the Anglican community he is now affiliated with "is in the process of replacing (the Episcopal Church) as the authentic expression of Anglicanism in the Americas."

Kramer said his Type 2 diabetes is now "completely cured," and he is medically cleared to resume work.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

Washington state sells 2 ferries to Tanzania

The state finally has sold two of its discarded passenger-only ferries, the Kalama and the Skagit, to the African nation Tanzania.

The ferries have been docked and inactive since September 2009. The Legislature ordered the state to get out of the passenger-only ferry business in '06.

The two ferries had been sold to a boat broker in Port Coquitlam, B.C., which sold them to Tanzania. They will be put in service between the mainland of Tanzania and the Zanzibar archipelago. They were sold for $400,000 combined, far below the $900,000 value the state said they were worth in December 2009.

Marta Coursey, spokeswoman for Washington State Ferries, said the two boats will be taken to Africa by cargo ship.

The state had hoped to sell the two 112-foot boats locally, but when that failed, it placed them for auction on eBay, asking $300,000 each, with no success. The ferries were built in New Orleans and purchased in 1989 for $5 million.

Ferry historian Steve Pickens said the Kalama and the Skagit were the first two passenger-only boats the state built. They were supposed to go into service in 1989 but were tied up because there was no money to run them. Following the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, the two vessels were sent to San Francisco and served commuters crossing the bay while the city's bridges were repaired.


Friday, 18 February 2011

Mkurugenzi wa Manispaa ya Zanzibar Amwagiwa Tindikali...

Mkurugenzi wa Manispaa Zanzibar Nd.Rashid Ali Juma amwagiwa tindikali na watu wasiojulikana, hali yake ni mbaya sana.

Tukio la kuwagiwa tindikali linahusishwa sana na uwamuzi wa SMZ kuondoa makontena katika eneo la darajani ili kupisha utengenezaji wa bustani.

Aidha kuwekuwepo na vitendo vingi vya kujichukulia sheria mikononi visiwani humo tokea kuanza kwa mwaka huu, ambapo baa kadhaa zilichomwa moto na watu wasiojulikana.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

EAC business bodies weary of trade barriers

Bangirana (left) chatting with Ahmed Saleh Mbarouk, the Zanzibari National Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture board member, at the function

EAST African Community states should institute mechanisms to reduce non-tariff barriers because they are hurting trade in the region.

Bernard Bangirana, the Uganda Allied Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (UACCIA)executive director, said this would increase benefits from cross-border trade and accelerate development among member nations.

Non-tariff barriers are limitations like infrastructure, regulations and laws that impact negatively on domestic and cross-border trade.

“We will engage the private sector and our respective governments to ensure that these barriers are removed to improve trade in the region and other trading blocs in Africa,” said Bangirana.

He was addressing a regional stakeholders’ meeting organised by UACCIA and the Tanzania Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture to find ways of boosting trade in the region last week.

Julius Onen, the trade ministry permanent secretary, called for the creation of regional synergies to remove trade barriers as they hike transaction costs. He cited transport infrastructure gaps as the leading obstacles to trade, saying they affect negatively foreign investment inflows into the region.

Bangirana said the chambers would sensitise people to deepen understanding of the regional trade systems.

like; administration of trade rules of origin, cross-boarder taxation systems, harmonisation of product standards, lobbying governments to improve transport networks as well as disseminating information about the implications of trade agreements among the business community in the East African partner states.

New Vision

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Ni katika kusherehekea miaka 50 ya uhuru wa Tanzania na miaka 100 ya siku ya mwanamke duniani

Ni onyesho la wazi, bure na la aina yake mara ya Kwanza nchini.

Itakuwa ni kampeni ya utu mwanamke na uzazi salama

Wadhamini waombwa kujitokeza kusapoti uzazi salama Tanzania

Katika kusherehekea miaka 50 ya Uhuru wa Tanzania, na miaka mia moja ya siku ya mwanamke kimataifa, mbunifu nguli wa mavazi Tanzania, Mustafa Hassanali aliyebobea katika ubunifu wa mavazi ya jioni na Harusi, kwa kushirikiana na wabunifu waalikwa wa kimataifa toka Uingereza watafanya maonyesho ya mavazi tarehe 4-5 mwezi Machi mwaka huu, kwa lengo la kusaidia suala zima la uzazi salama nchini.

Akizungumzia maonyesho hayo, Mustafa Hassanali, ambae anaamini katika kuitumia mitindo kama njia mbadala ya kuchangia, kuhamasisha na kueneza taarifa kwa jamii zinazohusiana na masuala ya afya amesema”kwa kushirikiana na shirika la utepe mweupe la Tanzania kwa pamoja tumeamua kufanya maonyesho ya mavazi kwa siku mbili, lengo si tu kuonyesha mavazi ya Mustafa Hassanali kwa mwaka 2011, na utu mwanamke, bali pia kuhamasisha uzazi salama nchini”.

‘Kila dakika moja dunia inapoteza mwanamke mmoja kwa matatizo ya uzazi, tunahitaji kufanya mabadiliko hususani katika kipindi hiki ambacho dunia inasherehekea miaka mia moja ya siku ya mwanamke, na taifa pia la Tanzania likitimiza miaka 50 toka uhuru, hivyo hatuna budi kufanya kila liwezekanalo kuhakikisha tunampa mchango mwanamke katika suala zima la afya ya uzazi” alisema Mustafaa Hassanali.

Mustafa Hassanali, mwenye elimu na uelewa mzuri wa udaktari, ambae ndie alieanzisha mpango wa ‘Fashion 4 Health’, mpango ambao umefanya maonyesho ya mavazi katika kusaidia masuala mbalimbali yahusuyo afya toka mwaka 2008, na moja kati ya harakati zake, ni pamoja na ile ya kuchangia hospitali ya wenye matatizo ya akili huko Zanzibar, ambapo kiasi cha shilingi milioni 23 zilipatikana kutokana na mradi huo.

Akiwa kama nguli wa mitindo Afrika Mashariki na kati, na mwenye nia ya kuiweka fani hii ya mitindo mbele, Mustafa Hassanali alisema”tunatarajia kufanya onyesho la wazi kwa tarehe tano ya mwezi wa tatu, hii itasaidia kuipa nafasi jamii yote bila kujali uwezo wa mtu, kupata taarifa kamili na sahihi kuhusu uzazi salama hapa nchini”.

Akichangia katika hilo, meneja mauzo na masoko wa Mustafa Hassanali, ndugu Hamis Omari alisema kuwa “maonyesho haya yataenda sambamba na utoaji elimu bure kuhusu afya ya uzazi salama, tekinolojia husika na haki ya kila raia katika hili”

Meneja Masoko huyo aliwaomba wadau na makampuni mbalimbali kujitokeza ili kudhamini onyesho hilo lenye nia njema, ili kutoa mchango wao katika kumsaidia mwanamke wa Tanzania na uzazi salama.

‘Mamma Mia’ ni jina lililotokana na wimbo uliovuma sana katika miaka ya 80 na kundi la ‘ABBA’, ambapo onyesho hilo litajumuisha mitindo mipya na ya nguvu toka kwa Mustafa Hassanali, pamoja na wabunifu waalikwa toka wiki ya mitindo ya Uingereza.

Nukuu kwa Mhariri:

Mustafa Hassanali ni mbunifu mjasiriamali anaeamini katika ‘daima sitashindwa’ huku akitumia kipaji chake na ubunifu wake wa mavazi katika kuleta maisha bora ya sasa na ya baadae.

Kazi za mbunifu Mustafa zimekuwa zikithaminika na kuonyeshwa kimataifa, ambapo Mustafa alifanikiwa kuonyesha ubunifu wake katika nchi kama Angola ‘Angola Fashion Business’, FAFA (Festival of African Fashion and Arts in Kenya), Kameruni, Wiki ya Mitindo India 2009, Naomi Campbell’s fashion for relief 2009, Arise Africa Fashion Week 2009, Wiki ya mavazi Durban & Cape town, Vukani Fashion Awards Pretoria, Miss Ethiopia Beauty Pageant, Mediterranean Fashion Festival, Sicily, Italia, M’net Face of Africa, Msumbiji, Uganda, na Wiki ya Mitindo Kenya, ambayo kwa pamoja yamemletea heshima kubwa, ndani na nje ya nchi.

Ni shirika la kimataifa lisilo la kiserikali, lenye nia ya kuleta mabadiliko katika suala zima la uzazi salama, kati ya mama na mtoto duniani kote.

Katika jamii nyingine, rangi nyeupe ina maana ya majonzi, na jamii nyingine, nyeupe in maana ya matumaini na uhai, hivyo basi utepe mweupe umetwaliwa kama kumbukumbu kwa wanawake wote waliofariki kwa mimba , na katika harakati za kujifungua.
Toka ilipoanzishwa mwaka 1999, shirika la utepe mweupe limekuwa likikuwa kwa kasi duniani kote, hadi kufikia kuwa na nchi wanachama 148 ambao wanapaza sauti zao kwa ajili ya wanawake na jamii zao kwa ujumla. Ambapo kwa sasa linaongoza katika kuyakabili majanga yanayotokana na vifo vya uzazi.


Mustafa Hassanali, ni mbunifu wa mavazi anayeshirikiana kwa karibu sana na shirika hili, ambapo kwa pamoja waliwahi kufanya onyesho na Naomi Campbell lililofahamika kama ‘Naomi Cambpell’s fashion for Relief’ mwaka 2009, ambapo zilokusanywa kiasi cha dola 65,000.

Mustafa Hassanali, mwenye shahada ya udaktari, anaamini kwa moyo mkunjufu kabisa katika kutumia mitindo kama njia yakusaidia kuchangisha fedha, na kusambaza ujumbe wa masuala ya afya kwa jamii yote.

Kwa maelezo zaidi tembelea

We Want More Say in This Union, Zanzibar Tells Tanzania Govt

NairobiThe course of the 47-year existence of the United Republic of Tanzania has been anything but smooth.

From Zanzibar nationalism, the structure of government, and inequity in the sharing of government offices within the Union to sharing the benefits and costs including revenue and foreign aid, the problems have kept coming back to haunt the Union government.

According to a report of the Kituo Cha Katiba fact-finding mission to Tanzania, with regard to the economy, Zanzibar argues that there are unfair fiscal and monetary agreements that kill its economy.

For example, it points out that there is double taxation of goods imported into the Tanzania Mainland from Zanzibar.

Petroleum and natural gas, which are likely to be discovered off the islands, have been included in the list of Union matters.

However, gold, diamonds and tanzanite that are found in Tanzania Mainland are not classified as such.

Even more contentious is the list of matters reserved for the Union government.

The original 11 articles were, over time, increased, reaching 22 by 1990. To Zanzibaris, this is intended to undermine the autonomy and identity of Zanzibar.

Zanzibar complained about the sharing formula of revenues of 4.5 per cent for Zanzibar, which the Isles suggest be raised to 10 per cent.

The Union insists that is too high and would settle for 5 per cent.

Likewise, complaints persist that the Union government exclusively bears all costs of collecting revenue in Zanzibar (by the Tanzania Revenue Authority).

"In terms of resources, the people in Zanzibar pointed out that the mainland has minerals, national parks, agricultural land as compared with Zanzibar, which has limited resources..." says the report.

With regard to foreign aid they pointed out that although it is solicited and received in the name of the United Republic, Zanzibar receives little, or nothing in respect to non-Union matters such as agriculture.

It is the mainland that decides on behalf of Zanzibar how much it should get. Yet Zanzibar cannot shop for foreign aid for itself.

On their part, business people decried double taxation, saying that while the TRA has a presence in Zanzibar, once you re-export to the mainland, there is reassessment, harassment, delays in clearing the goods.

The structure of government has also been put under a microscope.

The bone of contention is that the Union deals with Union and non-Union matters lumped together.

Hence Zanzibaris feel that when a minister of the Union deals with issues affecting both entities, he is likely to favour the mainland. In short, there is a conflict of interest.

At the same time, budgetary allocations are bundled together for the Union government and Tanzania Mainland without any clear distinction.

It is for this reason that there has been a clamour for the establishment of a three-tier government consisting of the Union, Zanzibar and Tanzania Mainland.

This problem dramatically took centre stage in 1984 and led to the then president of Zanzibar, Aboud Jumbe, being forced to resign.

In regard to political and government institutions and processes, Zanzibaris stated that they are not considered a country, yet they are.

They pointed out that while the Union entails two countries, their president has no role.

They pointed to the inequity in the sharing of government offices within the Union. There are only three ambassadors from Zanzibar.

The ambassadors from the mainland work for the benefit of the mainland. Likewise, they point to the relatively few Zanzibaris serving in embassies abroad.

A Zanzibari is yet to serve as the Inspector General of Government.

n the army, all ranking generals are from the mainland. Most staff in the Tanzania Revenue Authority are said to be from the mainland too.

"In general, therefore, at the political level, many Zanzibaris do not think the Union is in their interest; they think that they have no say in the Union. They feel marginalised; they believe that, at the institutional level, they are not taken care of. They do not get to learn of opportunities or services offered by ministries dealing with Union matters since they do not maintain offices in Zanzibar," the mission observes in a report titled "Federation within Federation: The Tanzania Union Experience and the East African Integration Process."However, peace and security were pointed out as benefits of the Union.

From the mainland, there were complaints about the over-representation of Zanzibar in Union institutions, including parliament.

It was also pointed out that the portfolios for the mainland in government are virtually non-existent since there are people from Zanzibar holding portfolios for non-Union matters.

According to the mission, these issues were compounded by the unique structure of the Union: A two-government structure with a Union government and government of Zanzibar, but without a Tanganyika government. On the one hand, it was claimed that Zanzibar could not negotiate with the partner with whom they had executed the Union treaty with a view to modifying it as the need arose.

Revive Tanganyika

On the other, there were voices from the mainland calling for the revival of a Tanganyika government.

The dual mandate of the Union government, for instance, jurisdiction over Union matters, and over non-Union matters of the mainland created its own problems and suspicions.

"An attempt was made to design mechanisms to deal with the problems but these, including the Constitution Court, a Permanent Commission and many ad hoc ones appear to have been largely ineffectual; they always had to resort to the one-party structure to deal with the issues," the report observes.

"The transition to multiparty politics has made the latter approach to Union problems impractical. The transition has also brought in its wake, problems of electoral and post-electoral violence and claims of electoral fraud in Zanzibar. This has in turn highlighted the problems of the Union, and in particular the place of Zanzibar within the Union," it adds.

The incremental erosion of the powers of the government of Zanzibar is best illustrated by the 1977 merger of Tanganyika African National Union and Afro Shirazi Party.

This meant that matters that were entirely within the jurisdiction of Zanzibar were to be decided by a pan-territorial political party - Chama cha Mapinduzi.


In the political arena, two court cases were filed asking the High Court of Zanzibar to declare the Union null and void.

Other players have mooted the renegotiation of the Articles of Union to create a fully fledged federation.

The Articles of Union constitute the legal basis of the Union and for them to have effect, they should have been ratified by both Tanganyika and Zanzibar.

There is no evidence of any law in Zanzibar ratifying the treaty. The only evidence of ratification appeared in the Government of Tanganyika Gazette under the signature of the Solicitor General of the Tanganyika Government.

The Union, therefore, it is concluded by some, "lacked a legal basis right from the very beginning because while the Articles were signed by Karume they were not ratified. The Union therefore exists de facto, but not as a matter of law," the reports notes.

"Hence decisions were made on the basis of good will and political expediency rather than law and the constitution. The unification process was not constitutionalised; it was just a political agreement between Nyerere and Karume and even the Articles of Union came as an afterthought. They were formulated subsequent to the fact."

It was stated that some key figures in government do not understand the structure of the Union, for instance, the two governments and three jurisdictions.

This creates confusion which is compounded by the constitution itself.

It was pointed out that while Article 4 of the constitution does provide for the two governments with three jurisdictions other parts of the constitution mix up things and blur the distinction.

Thursday, 10 February 2011


Maonyesho ya Harusi kufanyika Dar.
Wadau wa Harusi kukutanishwa Dar
Siku tatu za Maonyesho ya Harusi Diamond Jubilee
Maandalizi ya Maonyesho ya Harusi 2011 yapamba moto Dar

Maandalizi ya maonyesho ya pili ya Harusi Tanzania ‘Harusi Trade Fair 2011’, yanayotarajiwa kuanza tarehe 1- 3 mwezi ujao katika ukumbi wa Diamond Jubilee yanaendelea vizuri , huku yakiwa yanajumuisha wataalamu waliobobea katika nyanja zote zinazohusiana na suala zima la Harusi.

Muaandaaji na msimamizi wa maonyesho haya makubwa ya Harusi Tanzania, Mustafa Hassanali amesema kuwa “maonyesho ya mwaka huu yatakuwa makubwa, mazuri na yenye kuvutia zaidi ya mwaka uliyopita, na tunatazamia kuyafanya yawe maonyesho makubwa zaidi kwa ukanda huu kwa miaka ijayo”

Nukuu zinasema kuwa, maonyesho ya mwaka huu tayari yameshawavutia zaidi ya washiriki 32 , wakiwemo washiriki wa maonyesho yaliyopita na wapya.

Maonyesho ya Harusi ya mwaka 2011, ni maonyesho ambayo uboreshaji wake umevuka kutoka siku mbili za maonyesho hadi siku tatu kwa mwaka huu, huku likiongezewa na kujumuisha vionjo vingi zaidi.

“Harusi ni tukio zuri, ambalo hutokea mara moja tu, huku likiunganisha familia na jamii pamoja, hivyo nia yetu ni kuwapa maharusi mahitaji yao yoote muhimu kwa pamoja na kwa wakati mmoja, na maonyesho haya ndio sehemu muafaka kwa hilo” alisema Mustafa Hassanali.

Maonyesho haya ya Harusi ambayo hufanyika kila mwaka, huwaleta pamoja wahusika wote wa mambo ya Harusi katika kujenga na kutengeneza mtandao wa kimafanikio baina yao, na ndio maana maonyesho haya yamekuwa ni ya kwanza na ya aina yake Tanzania, ambapo kwa mwaka huu yatapambwa na vitu kama keki, maua, wapiga picha, magauni ya Harusi, bila kusahau mengi na yenye ubunifu katika Harusi.

Gabriel Makupa wa ‘GRM Production’, ambae ni mmoja wa washiriki wa mwaka huu wa maonyesho haya alisema kuwa, wamekuwa na wakati mzuri kibiashara, hali iliyosababishwa na ushiriki wao katika maonyesho haya kwa mwaka uliyopita.

“tumekuwa na wakati mzuri kibiashara, hii imetusaidia kujenga mtandao mzuri kibiashara, tulitangaza huduma zetu vilivyo, na hii ndo sababu ya sisi kushiriki tena mwaka huu” alisema Gabriel wa GRM, kampuni inayojihusisha na upigaji picha katika maharusi.

“makampuni yajitokeze kutangaza huduma zao mwaka huu katika maonyesho haya, ni nafasi nzuri, kwani tumeshapata makampuni 32 mpaka sasa yatakayoshiriki mwaka huu, idadi ambayo inaongezeka kila siku, “ alisema Mustafa Hassanali.

Mmoja wa washiriki wa mwaka huu wa maonyesho kutoka ‘Karibu Holiday’, kampuni inayoshughulika na maandalizi ya fungate kwa maharusi na mapumziko binafsi nchini, Bw. Susai Nathan alisema kuwa, maonyesho ya mwaka huu ni njia mbadala ya kutangaza huduma zao mpya zenye ubora maalum kwa fungate, mahususi kwa maharusi au watakaofunga ndoa katika miezi hii mitatu ijayo.

Haya ni maonyesho ya siku tatu ambayo yana mengi, na si yakukosa kushiriki ama kuhudhuria kwa maharusi, familia, na wale wote wanaohusika na kamati za Harusi, ili kujionea na kujua mengi yahusuyo Harusi na mahitaji yake.

Kwa maelezo zaidi tembelea hapa

Ni wiki ya Sauti za Busara 09.02 - 13.02.2011

Wote Mnakaribishwa

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Watanzania Wajitolea Kutahiriwa...

The Tanzanian government has embarked on a large-scale voluntary male circumcision programme aimed at reducing the HIV risk of men and boys in areas of the country with low levels of male circumcision.

"We have already completed a pilot project and we are now scaling up male circumcision," said Bennet Fimbo, HIV/AIDS adviser to the Tanzania Ministry of Health. "The target group in the campaign will be men and boys aged 10-34."

The programme aims to reach 2.8 million men and boys within the next five years.

Three randomized controlled trials in Kenya, South Africa and Uganda provided evidence that male circumcision can reduce a man's risk of becoming infected with HIV through heterosexual intercourse by as much as 60 percent. The UN World Health Organization recommends male circumcision as one of the tools for HIV prevention, alongside counselling and testing, promotion of safer sex, treatment of sexually transmitted infections and condom use.

An estimated 70 percent of Tanzanian men are circumcised, according to government surveys, but prevalence varies from region to region.

"In some districts up to 80 percent of men, especially in the western parts of the country, are not circumcised," Fimbo said. "In places like Zanzibar, Pemba and coastal areas, where the population is predominantly Muslim, the circumcision rate is almost 99 percent."

He noted that HIV prevalence tended to be lower in areas of the country where male circumcision was common. "In Zanzibar and Pemba, the prevalence is less than 1 percent, while around Lake Victoria, Mbeya and Iringa regions, circumcision is low and HIV prevalence is 14-20 percent."

The programme will focus on seven regions in western Tanzania where levels of male circumcision are particularly low: Iringa, Kagera, Mar, Mwanza, Rukwa, Shinyanga, Tabora, Rukwa.

The programme - supported by the USA - will provide the service free of charge; male circumcision usually costs US$10-17.


Boris Johnson Meya wa London Mashakani Zenj...

Boris Johnson was left humiliated after he had to be rescued while swimming in the sea at a luxury resort.

The gaffe-prone Tory was taking a morning dip with wife Marina when he was swept away by powerful currents off a private island near Tanzania.

Worried staff were so concerned they sent out a boat to fetch him.
One worker, who asked not to be named, revealed: “They didn’t realise how strong the current was. They went out a bit too far and he was getting carried away so we had to launch a motor boat to get them.”

Mayor of London Boris went to the island retreat for the family holiday at the Lazy Lagoon in the Zanzibar channel last year. He was asked if he needed TV news but apparently told staff: “Just tell me if they try to blow up the Tubes again.”
When he made it ashore after being rescued, he tried to laugh off the drama, declaring: “That’s one for the memoirs.”

The mayor, 46, likes to get around by bike but a friend admitted: “He’s not the strongest swimmer.”
Boris got into trouble in the water a couple of years ago when he stumbled into a river in Lewisham, South East London, during a photo call.

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