Friday, 26 March 2010
Tanzania Grants Five More Mobile Licenses.....
Tanzania's Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) has given mobile network operating licenses to five more companies, bringing the tally for the country to twelve. The country now has one of the highest ratios of licenses to potential customers in the world, although with a population penetration level of just 43%, there is space for new companies to grow. The five new entrants are MyCell, Egotel, Rural Netco, Smile and ExcellentCom.
"They are expected to enter the country's communication industry when the process to give them network facility licensees is completed," TCRA director-general John Nkoma told The Citizen newspaper.
"There is an indication that the telecommunication industry is profitable and that's why more companies are entering the market," Mzumbe University economics lecturer Honest Ngowi told BusinessWeek. According to him, the trend is positive but it will reduce tariffs.
The country has seven licensed companies, only three have a sizeable customer base: South Africa listed Vodacom, Kuwait listed Zain and US listed Millicom (Tigo) - while a fourth local operator, Zanzibar Telecom operates only in Zanzibar island. According to the Mobile World analysts, the country has around 17.1 million mobile phone users, representing a population penetration level of 42.9%.
The government passed a controversial law earlier this year that will require any mobile network operating in the country will have to list their shares on the local stock exchange. The companies will have up to three years to list their shares on the stock exchange.
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Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Monday, 22 March 2010
Siku ya Maji Duniani: Zanzibar na mfumo mpya wa huduma ya maji.
Siku ya Maji Duniani: Zanzibar na mfumo mpya wa huduma ya maji
Kwa miaka mingi tumekuwa tukishuhudia ama kushiriki katika miradi kadhaa inayoanzishwa kwa lengo la kusukuma mbele maendeleo ya huduma kwa wananchi.
Hata hivyo miradi mingi imekuwa ikifa kabla ya kukamilisha malengo yake yaliyokusudiwa. Hali hii ilifanya kuwepo na tafiti mbalimbali kujua ni kwa nini miradi hiyo imekufa huku mingine ikiwa imegharimiwa kwa gharama kubwa sana.
Tafiti mbalimbali zilionyesha kuwa miradi hufa kutokana na kutokuwepo na ushirikiano wa dhati kati ya wenye wazo la mradi na wale ambao watanufaika na mradi huo tokea mwanzo wa maandalizi ya mradi hadi ukamilishaji wake. Kutokuwepo kwa ushirikiano ama uhusishwaji wa jamii husika katika miradi hiyo kulielezwa kuchangia kufa ama kuzorota kwa miradi mingi.
Nimeshawahi kuzungumzia jinsi ya kuondokana na kadhia hii katika baadhi ya mabandiko yangu yaliyopita. Aidha kwa leo nitaendelea kuangalia hatua moja kubwa na muhimu iliyofikiwa katika kusimamia miradi inayoanzishwa. Hatua hii ni kwa wananchi kupewa uwezo wa moja kwa moja wa kutoa taarifa juu ya uendelevu wa mradi husika kwa asasi husika.
Mapema mwaka huu, Shirika la Umoja wa Kimataifa la Maakazi UN-HABITAT, Google, Zantel, ADB na ZAWA, walianzisha huduma ya kuwashirikisha wananchi kutoa taarifa kutokana na huduma ya maji wanayopata. Hii ni hatua moja muhimu sana katika kuona uendelevu wa huduma hiyo muhimu.
Leo hii wakati dunia nzima wakisherehekea siku ya maji, kuna vituo vipya hamsini vya maji vilivyojengwa katika maeneo ya shule, zahanati na sehemu nyingine muhimu za kijamii katika kisiwa cha Unguja, ambavyo vinasimamiwa na wananchi wenyewe. Wananchi wa maeneo hayo wananwajibika kutoa taarifa za upatikanaji wa maji, ubovu wa mabomba na matatizo mengine yoyote yanayoendana na huduma hiyo kwa kutumia njia ya simu.
Katika dunia hii ambayo kuna zaidi ya watu bilioni 2 ambao hadi sasa bado wanaendelea kusubiri kupata huduma ya maji, hii mimi ninaona ni hatua muhimu sana ya kuwawezesha wananchi kuona mradi huo kama ni sehemu ya maisha yao. Utoaji wa taarifa kwa huduma hiyo ni sawa na kukabidhi moja moja usimazi wa huduma hiyo kwa wananchi hao. Hii itawapa changamoto kubwa katika kuhifadhi na kuendeleva huduma hiyo. Zaidi hatua zingine zilizoanzishwa sambamba na mradi huu zinapaswa kufahamishwa kwa wananchi wa maeneo husika sambamba na kuwashirikisha ili kuwepo na uendelevu wa miradi hiyo.
Hapana shaka lengo lililokusudiwa la kuwezesha wananchi kulinda na kusimamia huduma hiyo litafanikiwa, kwa asasi husika kutekeleza taarifa wanazopokea juu ya uendelevu wa huduma hiyo.
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Sunday, 21 March 2010
Just back from: Tanzania
Just back from: Tanzania: "Paul Padia and Alexandra Echery, San Francisco
We went because: We were celebrating 40 years on Earth, and I guess we had something to prove by trying to climb Kilimanjaro. We met with success.
Don't miss: Climbing to the top. It's not as hard as you think because you climb so slowly.
Don't bother: Stone Town, Zanzibar. It holds a lot of history, but it's crowded and there are safety concerns. Head to the east side of the island for the beach.
Coolest souvenir: The certificate for making it to the top of Kilimanjaro. Also, Organic Coffee from Gibbs Farm (Karatu, Tanzania) is still being enjoyed.
Worth a splurge: Ponge Beach Resort, Zanzibar, on the east side of the island. It was the perfect complement after the climb and safari.
We wish we'd packed: Less. We had weight restrictions on internal flights that made it difficult to bring back souvenirs.
Other comments: No trip to Africa is complete without a safari. Plan your safari in the conservation area where the big migration is taking place during your visit."
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Saturday, 20 March 2010
TCRA says teledensity reached 43% at Dec 2009, led by mobile growth: CommsUpdate : TeleGeography Research
Data just released by the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) shows that the country was home to a total of 17.642 million fixed and mobile subscriptions at the end of 2009, up from 13.130 million a year earlier, a combined teledensity of 43% (32%, 2008). Of the total subscriptions recorded at end-2009 17.469 million were cellular connections to one of the country’s leading mobile operators.
Market leader Vodacom attracted 1.475 million new users last year for a total of 6.883 million, while second-placed Zain (Celtel) signed up a net 1.048 million new users in the period for a total of 4.910 million. Zain, however, failed to reach its own stated goal of six million customers by the end of last year. Third place operator Tigo boosted its base to 4.178 million by the end of 2009, and Zantel Mobile — once the nation's fastest growing cellco — added roughly 300,000 net new customers during the period for a total of 1.378 million. Trailing far behind the big four, the mobile arm of fixed line operator TTCL added just 10,000 subscribers for a total of 115,681, and Benson Informatics Limited (BOL), which lost 300 subscribers in 2008, had 3,101 data-only subscribers, up 101 since the start of the year.
In the fixed line segment, TCRA reported 172,922 fixed lines in service as at 31 December 2009, up from 123,809 at the start of the year, but only marginally higher than the 163,269 counted at 31 December 2007. National PSTN operator Tanzania Telecommunications Company Ltd (TTCL) claimed the lion's share with 157,321 lines at end-2009 (its December 2008 figure was 116,265 after it disconnected a number of active lines), with Zanzibar Telecommunications' (Zantel's) fixed line division taking the remainder.
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Milango ya Zanzibar: Mji Mkongwe
Milango ya Zanzibar ilianza kutumika katika miaka ya 1870 na kupata umaarufu mkubwa hadi sasa.Milango hii ilibuniwa na kuchongwa kufuatana na tamaduni za kihindi na kiarabu.
Katika miaka hiyo ya 18' jumla ya milango 806 ilitengenezwa. Hiki kilikuwa ni kipindi cha Sultan Bargash.
Sifa kubwa ya milango hii ni mapambo yake ambayo yalitokana na dhana ya kujikinga na madhara ya kishetani kuingia ndani ya nyumba. Mapambo mengine yaliyomo kwenye milango hiyo ni maua, matawi ya minazi, aya za Koran, jina la mwenye nyumba na mwaka uliotengenezwa mlango huo.
Zaidi baadhi ya milango hiyo imetiwa vyuma umbo la koni nyenye ncha kali ikiwa ni kama silaha ya kujikinga na uvamizi wa Tembo.
Kuna aina mbili za milango hii, moja ni umbo la mstatiri katika sehemu yake ya juu na ya pili ni umbo la nusu duara katika sehemu yake ya juu. Mlango mmoja uchukua muda wa miezi mitatu kutengenezwa na hutumia mbao ngumu aina ya Mninga. Hadi sasa milango hii hutengenezwa kwa kutumia mkono. Hata hivyo katika karakana ya Ofisi ya Hifadhi na Uendelezaji Mji Mkongwe, baadhi ya maandalizi ya utengenezaji wa milango hiyo hutumia mashine.
Mamlaka ya Hifadhi na Uendelezaji wa Mji Mkongwe, inastahili kupongezwa kwa kuhakikisha kuwa aina hii ya milango inaendelea kutumika katika Mji Mkongwe. Hii ni kutokana na kuwepo na wimbi kubwa la kung'olewa kwa milango hiyo katika miaka ya 80 kwa lengo la kuuzwa. Adhia kuwepo kwa ubadilishaji wa milango hiyo kutokana na kufanyiwa matengenezo ya nyumba.
Picha ya kwanza juu, gari linaloonekana ndio lilikuwa gari la Prez wa kwanza wa Zanzibar Marehemu A.Karume.
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Friday, 19 March 2010
Pilika pilika za Ijumaa....
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Labels: Baibui, buying fish, Dafu, Ijumaa, open market, Stone Town, Zanzibar, Zenj
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Mazagazaga ya Polisi
Nimesikia kuwa Jeshi la Polisi lipo njiani kupiga mnada vyombo vyake vya usafiri vilivyochakaa! Sijui hii pikipiki kama bado kupigwa mnada pale Malindi Police Station
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Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Statement by the IMF Staff Mission at the Conclusion of its Visit to Tanzania
Press Release No. 10/93
March 16, 2010
An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission led by Mr. David O. Robinson visited Tanzania from March 2-16, 2010 to conduct the seventh and final review under the Policy Support Instrument (PSI) and third and final review under the Exogenous Shock Facility, and to discuss the policy framework for a new three-year PSI-supported program. The mission met with Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, Hon. Mustafa Mkulo; Governor of the Bank of Tanzania, Prof. Benno Ndulu; other senior government officials; private sector representatives; development partners; and members of civil society.
The mission issued the following statement in Dar es Salaam today:
“Macroeconomic policies including monetary and fiscal easing, supported by the Tanzanian government’s economic recovery plan, have helped mitigate the impact of the global crisis. A stronger than anticipated rebound in the global economy has helped offset the impact of disruptions from the regional drought, floods, and power outages, with the result that we have revised slightly upwards our growth forecasts for Tanzania to 5.5 percent in 2009 and to 6.2 percent in 2010. The recovery, however, remains nascent and growth has been concentrated in lightly-taxed sectors, causing government revenue collection to fall below targets in the budget.
“Inflation had been persistently high during 2009 largely due to supply shocks affecting food prices, but has now begun to abate and is expected to continue on a downward path, reaching around 8 percent by the end of the fiscal year.
“Looking forward, the macroeconomic policy framework will be guided by the new MKUKUTA/MKUZA. An extensive evaluation and consultation process is underway on both mainland and on Zanzibar. In order that the new strategy can deliver its objectives and serve as an effective guide to policy and resource allocation, it is imperative that the strategy carefully lays out priority sectors together with key policy interventions, consistent with a credible resource envelope.
“For the next fiscal year, fiscal and monetary policy must be carefully balanced to support the economic recovery, while at the same time gradually scaling back the fiscal stimulus injected in response to the global crisis. A modest improvement in revenue collection and the expiration of discretionary measures that were implemented at the height of the global crisis should narrow the fiscal deficit. However, recurrent spending has risen rapidly in recent years, and a careful examination of these expenditures could provide greater value for taxpayer money. Commitment control at both line Ministries and spending agencies should also be tightened to avoid arrears and ensure that budgets are implemented as intended.
“More generally, creating additional fiscal space to enable the desired scaling-up of infrastructure investment can be achieved through a combination of measures—increasing revenues, enhancing the efficiency of existing spending, as well as new financing. Accessing new financing sources—there are a range of possibilities, including Public Private Partnerships, syndicated loans, or Eurobonds—needs to be handled carefully and in the context of a strategy that comprehensively weighs the risks and returns.
“The banking system has weathered the global crisis well, reflecting the limited exposures to the toxic assets that drove the crisis and stepped up supervision by the Bank of Tanzania. However, the continued absence of a social security regulator is an important weakness in financial sector supervision.
“It is expected that the IMF’s Executive Board will discuss the reviews and consider a new three-year program before the end of May 2010.”
Source: IMF
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Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Eco Hotels of the World: 236 Hurumzi Hotel
An integral part of the skyline of Zanzibar, along with mosque minarets, Hindu temple towers, and church spires, is the Tower Top restaurant of 236 Hurumzi.
The second tallest building in Stone Town Zanzibar, the hotel has been restored to its former glory when it was the residence of one of the richest men in the Swahili Empire.
All the furnishings are original Zanzibari antiques of varied origins and styles that, together, create the impressions of Arabian.
The sixteen guestrooms are beautiful and romantic, each representing Zanzibari traditions in a distinct way. All rooms except for the Kipembe room are equipped with large stone bathtubs. Ceiling fans keep the guests cool along with the constant breeze on the upper floors. Second and first floor rooms as well as the South room are equipped with air conditioning for added comfort.
The sultan-sized rooms on the first and second floors have 20 foot ceilings, carved doors, original stucco décor and hand painted glass lamps and window panes. All guest rooms have large Zanzibari beds complete with netting.
Angalizo: Zanzibar kuna hoteli mbili tu zinazotambuliwa na Eco Hotels of the World
Source: Eco Hotels of the World
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Monday, 15 March 2010
Tanzanian speaker praises unity
Visiting speaker of the Zanzibar, Tanzania, Ameer Kificho, has said that he have experience the unity that exists among the Maldivians during his stay in the Maldives. He advised Maldivians to sustain their sense of hospitality. In his press conference before departure he also said that there is a close similarities between the Maldives and the Zanzibar.
He also said that preserving the country’s culture and tradition is vital for the development and that the peace and stability in the country would be a catalyst in bringing home development.
When questioned on the message he will convey to Zanzibar Parliament after the visit he said that it would be the differences that exists in Zanzibar would not help in its development. He also said that Parliament is a place in which peoples rights should come first and that is exactly why Maldivian Parliament is known as “Peoples Majlis”.
During his stay in the Maldives Ameer Kificho had paid a courtesy call to Vice President Dr. Mohamed Waheed and Speaker Abdulla Shahid. He also met with the leaders of the parliamentary groups. Ameer Kipicho is visiting Maldives upon an invitation from Speaker Abdulla Shahid.
Source: South Asian Media
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Sunday, 14 March 2010
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Friday, 12 March 2010
China donates medical equipment to Zanzibar gov't
The Chinese government on Thursday donated a number of medical equipment worth more than 64 million Tanzanian Shillings (about 49,000 U.S. dollars) to Tanzania's Zanzibar government through the Chinese medical team working in the Indian Ocean Archipelago.
The equipment was handed over by Zhu Xiangjun, head of the Chinese medical team, to Zanzibar Minister of Health and Social Welfare Sultan Mohd Mughery at a ceremony which was held at the ministry of Health in Zanzibar.
Including medical endoscope Co light Source, high Frequency position, therapeutic apparatus for operation, Some of the equipmentare meant to serve in the theater at Mnazimmoja general hospital, while the others would serve in the eye clinics, it was learned.
In his remarks, Zhu said the donation of the equipment is a further indication to boost the historical medical cooperation between the Chinese government and that of Zanzibar.
"The equipment, we believe, would boost medical services in Zanzibar hospitals and clinics especially at this time when Zanzibar has been without power for the last three months," he remarked.
For his part, Mughery thanked the Chinese government for its long stand in helping Zanzibar economically and socially especially on the medical services.
He further said the team of Chinese medical experts working in Zanzibar are providing a helping hand in the health centers.
Chinese Zanzibar medical cooperation has started since 1968, while there are at present a team of 21 doctors working in different hospitals and clinics both in Unguja and Pemba, the sister island.
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Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Huu ni Ujuha au Ujuhaji?
Waznz hatutaki Njia zetu kuitwa majia ya makafiri hawa akina Mkapa na ndugu zake hawana historia zozote znz, kama mumeshindwa kuwa enzi wana vyuoni wetu basi bora muite jina la Bi Kitute Road wazanzibar tutarizika.
Wanao jizalilisha ni ccm-smz sio wazanzibar wote, kuna wana vyuoni wetu na watu wenye historia mzuri Zanzibar na wazanzibar wana zipenda kwa nini hamukuita mumekwenda kuita majina ya wauwaji na walioasha asari za viwete na vizuka. Wakadi kuna historia zetu wenyewe wazanzibar. Au ndio kutawaliwa smz huko? Mungeita barabara ya Sh Amer Tajo,Sh Abdalla Farth,Sitti Binti Sadi, Mwana wa Mwana na Mkama Tume. Hizi ndio historia zetu. Lakini ccm-smz mumeoza kwa watawala wa ki-Tanganyika kama. Kama tulivyo piga kelele iondoshwe historia mpovu isisomeswe maskulini watoto wetu isio wahusu wazanzibar na kuaswa historia yao wazanzibar nah ii ya bara bara iondoswe mara moja.
Zamani utaona watoto wetu wanasomeswa vita vya wahehe na wamanyema vita vya majimaji lakini hatujawahi hata siku moja kusomeswa watoto wetu kuhusu Mkama ndume na Mwana wa Mwana tunasomeswa watoto wetu makabila hata hapa Zanzibar hayapo. Wewe umeona wapi kabila la wahehe hapa? Au wamanema kama sio vishekesho bora kusema Wazaramu wapo Miembeni na kwahani na sasa tuna Wamasai Kiwengwa historia ya badae zenj. Kwa hio wazanzibar tustuke tusikubali kupashikizwa historia zisizo tuhusu.
Hiyo hapo juu ni nukuu toka
Baada ya kuisoma imebidi nijiulize kama imeandikwa kutokana na kutojua taratibu za utoaji wa Majina katika barabara, mitaa, na vitongoji au ni ujuhaji mwingi ambao upelekea kwa mhusika kuwa juha! Pichani juu kabisa ni baadhi ya barabara na mitaa ya Mkoa wa Mjini Magharibi.
Kama kawaida mtoa hoja kaficha jina lake, lakini kwa kuwa lengo lake isomwe na kujadiliwa hakuna tatizo katika hilo. Nitajaribu kumfahamisha taratibu za ubadilishaji wa majina ya mitaa, barabara na vitongoji katika Halmashauri ya Manispaa ya Zanzibar kwa mujibu wa sheria ya Manispaa ya Zanzibar ya mwaka 1995 namba 3.
Halmashauri ya Manispaa ya Zanzibar ndio yenye jukumu la kuhudumia na kusimamia barabara, mitaa na chochoro zote zilizopo ndani ya mipaka ya Manispaa hiyo, hii ikiwa ni pamoja na utoaji wa majina kwa barabara na mitaa. Mara ya mwisho ya kufanyika mabadiliko makubwa ya majina katika barabara na mitaa ya Zanzibar ilikuwa ni katika miaka ya tisini ambapo zaidi ya barabara kumi zilipatiwa majina mapya. Kazi hii ilifanya na kamati ya Mipango Mji kabla ya kuthibitisha na Baraza Kuu la Manispaa hiyo.
Vigezo vya ubadilishaji wa majina ya mitaa/barabara hufanywa na Madiwani, na kwa bahati nzuri tokea mwaka 1995 hadi leo Baraza la Manispaa hilo limekuwa na Madiwani toka CCM na CUF. Mtoa hoja katika nukuu hapo juu ametupa lawama kwa CCM - SMZ, napenda ajue kuwa Madiwani hata Madiwani wa CuF walikuwepo. Zaidi ni vema kujua kuwa Madiwani ni wawakilishi wa ngazi ya mwanzo ya wananchi na ndio wapo karibu kabisa na wananchi. Hivyo basi madiliko kama haya huwa kwa namna moja ama nyingine yanabeba maoni ya wananchi wao. Mtoa mada mada sijui anawakilisha maoni ya wadi gani au jimbo? Ni vema akaweka sawa kwenye mada yake ili iweze kufahamika anawawakilisha akina nani!
Ramani iliopo hapo juu pamoja na kutoonyesha barabara zote zilizopo ndani ya mipaka ya Manispaa, pia haionyeshi majina ya mitaa mingi ambayo tayali imeshapewa majina. Hili linaweza kuwa ni tatizo la muundaji/mchoraji wa ramani husika au tazizo la asasi zinazohusika na upasishaji wa ramani kwa matumizi ya jumuiya na watalii.
Hapa chini ni baadhi ya majina ya barabara zilizopo katika Manispaa ya Zanzibar:-
Kutoka Kinazin kwenda Bububu- Aboud Jumbe
Kiembe Samaki hadi Amani- Idrisa A. Wakili
Mnazi mmoja- Airport- Nyerere
Mkunazini hadi Kariakoo - Karume
Maisara - Michenzani kwenda Mlandege- Dr. Salmin Amour
Ule Uchochoro wa Darajani hadi Mlandege- Ali H.Mwinyi
Barabara toka Mazinini kwenda Chukwani - Barabara ya Bakari Jabu

Kwa mtoa hoja bado ana nafasi kubwa ya kuweka kwa majina ambayo anaona yana umuhimu kwa jamii na historia ya Zanzibar. Majina mengi bado yanahitajika na hasa katika Halmashauri ya Mji Magharibi. Ni vema kwake akawasilina na Halmashauri husika na kuona vipi anaweza kuchangia katika kutoa majina mapya.
Mwisho nimeona kuwa kuna utunzaji mbovu sana wa kumbukumbu au kuna njia za makusudi zinazofanyika katika kupotosha majina ya barabara na mitaa.
Mfano mkubwa ni kwa barabara ya Creek. Barabara hii ilishabadilishwa jina zaidi ya miaka ishirini sasa, lakini bado ramani zinazotoka kwa matumizi ya utalii zinatumia jina hilo. Hii ni pamoja na mtaa utakao Darajani hadi Mladenge. Ipo haja kwa vyombo husika kuliona hili.
Kwa upande wa Manispaa ni vema mkarudisha vibao vya majina ya mitaa na barabara, kumekuwepo na tabia ya kuweka vibao hivyo kwa barabara maarufu tu, ni vyema sasa mkaangalia na kuweka vibao katika sehemu ambazo sio maarufu lakini zenye uhumimu sawa na sehemu nyingine maarufu.
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Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Leo Katika kumbukumbu: Zanzibar police ban veiled drivers
Zanzibar - A police ban on women drivers wearing veils came into effect on Tuesday across the Indian Ocean islands of Zanzibar, drawing some protests from the overwhelmingly Muslim population.
Zanzibar police commander Ramadhan Khatib said the measure was intended to curb a rise in traffic accidents which reached a record 680 - with 40 deaths and 100 injuries - in 2006.
"We have the responsibility of ensuring we decrease the accidents, and we think veil-wearers have to be included in this exercise as well," he told Reuters.
Police gave no indication of whether any of the accidents had been caused by women wearing veils.
Moves against veils and burqas are the subject of heated global debate, particularly in Europe where some governments see them impeding the integration of Muslims.
In Zanzibar, where 95 percent of the islands' one million inhabitants are Muslim, one Islamic group protested that the traffic order went against local culture.
"This is not acceptable. We do not see any legal basis for this order ... and we are going to challenge it," said Sheikh Khalid Azan, the Islamic Propagation Centre's leader.
"Wearing a veil is a virtue and an obligation to women ... we cannot understand if someone orders them not to wear it."
One woman driver wearing the veil - known as a niqab N said before the ban came into effect that it showed police in Zanzibar were barking up the wrong tree.
"If they do not have anything to do, they could chase underage drivers, they could search for fake licences and those who cheat on their insurance policies," said Asha Issa, covered in a veil as she leaned on her steering wheel.
"This is going too far into my religion...The only person who could take the niqab from me is my husband, and he would not do so because he knows his obligation in Islam."
Although semi-autonomous, the Zanzibar islands are part of Tanzania and lie just off its east coast.
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Monday, 8 March 2010
Maalim Seif apata nafuu...
Maalim Seif akiwa hospitalini Hindu Mandal leo hii. Maalim amenukuliwa akisema kuwa ameshapoa na anategemea kupata ruhusa ya kutoka hospitalini hapo mara baada ya kuonana na daktari wake.
Picha kwa hisani ya Mzee wa Sumo
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Sunday, 7 March 2010
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Ubaguzi waanza kushika kasi Zanzibar....
Katika tembea tembea mtandaoni, nimekutana na mada hii hapa chini, yenye kila aina ya ubaguzi na chuki za waziwazi, kwa watanzania bara waishio visiwani humu. Hapa chini ni nukuu yake
mkuu wa vitambulisho vya uzanzibar Mohamed Juma Ame anasema waliokosa haki ya kujiandikisha wato hawana sifa za uzanzibar kwa hio sio wazanzibar bona watu wa tanga pangani,mafya na wamasai wa kiwengwa wote wamepata kuandikiswa hiwe nyie tu?
Maskini Mh Shabani Hamis Mloo mawazo yake na busara zake tutazienzi. Aliona mbali aliposema Zanzibar hatuna Serekali tuna kikundi cha wahuni tu. Leo ni Nchi gani ulimwenguni inayo wakataa wananchi wake na kuwanyima haki na kuwakumbatia wageni kwa kuwapa uhalali wa Nchi na usibiticho wa uzawa vyeti vya kuzaliwa na utambulicho wa Zanzibar. Au ndio Msh Karume tulifanya kosa Mh Amertajo alipokula kiapo cha Ushahidi kuwa Father K kazaliwa Mwera ndio kiapo kile kilituzuru wazanzibar wote? Kunahaja ya wazanzibar kujipanga safu na Kenosha mazila ya kila siku kama hatuja pigana coper basi mambo hayawi heat and running mealtime itumike Zanzibar si hivyo Nchi inakwenda na ccm ndio wabeba mashera.
Jina la mtoa mada hii halijabandikwa ila unaweza kutembelea tovuti ya mzalendo kwa maelezo zaidi.
Mada hiyo ni mfululizo wa mada kadhaa zilizoanza kuibuka baada ya mazungumzo ya maridhiano ya Rais Karume na Maalim Seif. Mara baada ya maridhiano hayo, maoni mengi yalielekezwa katika Zanzibar na Muungano wake chini ya kivuli cha utaifa,na kusahau kabisa lengo kuu la maridhiano/mapatano hayo ambayo yalikuwa na lengo la kuijenga Zanzibar moja iliyomeguka kutokana na siasa na kuathiri kwa kiwango kikubwa umoja na undugu wa wananchi wa visiwa hivyo tokea kuingia kwa mfumo wa vyama vingi.
Zanzibar ya leo uchumi wake kwa aslimia 80 unategemea watalii, tokea Zanzibar kufungua milango ya utalii, visiwa hivyo vimeshuhudia uingiaji wa wageni wengi, na wageni hawa wameingia kutokana na kukua kwa utalii na mahitaji ya utalii katika visiwa hivyo, ambayo kwa wakati huo na sasa wakaazi wake hawawezi kukidhi mahitaji ya utalii visiwani humo.
Kumekuwepo na hatua mbali mbali za kuondoa baadhi ya mahitaji ya utalii katika visiwa hivyo kwa nyakati tofauti. Miaka ya mwishoni ya tisini, kulifanyika zoezi kubwa la kuwaondoa wafanyabiashara za vinyago na batiki katika maeneo ya Kiwengwa pasipo mafanikio. Uundoaji wa wafanyabiashara hao ulishindikana kutokana na kuwa ulikuwa hauna maana yoyote zaidi ya chuki na ubinafsi wa baadhi ya viongozi ambao walijiweka nyuma ya pazia la udini.
Zoezi kama hilo lilirudiwa tena kwa wafanyabiashara wa vinyago na batiki katika mitaa ya gizenga na forodhani, na hata liliposhindikana wafanyabiashara hao walihamishiwa katika maeneo ya Maruhubi, na baadae Msikiti Mabluu. Hata hivyo maeneo hayo yalishindikana kufanyika kwa biashara hizo kwani zoezi hilo lilifanyika pasipo kuwepo kwa utafiti wa kina, na baadae ilikuja kujulikana kuwa limetokana na utashi wa baadhi ya watu dhidi ya wafanyabiashara hao.
Shughuli za Utalii hapo visiwani unaweza kuzigawa katika mafungu kadhaa. Kuna vijana ambao wanaitwa mapapasi hawa kazi yao kubwa ni kupokea na kuwazungusha watalii katika mitaa ya mji Mkongwe,kuwatafutia watalii hao sehemu za kumpuzika na kadhalika,Kundi hili linaaminika kujengwa na wazawa. Aidha kuna wakati kundi hili lilitakiwa kujiandikisha kama chombo rasmi ili kijulikane kisheria na kuweza kulipa kodi. Hata hivyo zoezi hili halikuweza kufanikiwa. Kuna kundi la wafanyabiashara ndogo ndogo za vinyago na batiki, kundi hili linaaminika kuundwa na wageni. Na ni kundi ambalo linapata misukosuko isiyo kwisha licha ya nafasi yake kubwa katika utalii visiwani hapo ikiwa ni pamoja na kuingiza mapato yake serikalini.
Mada toka Mzalendo inalalamikia kwa wageni hao kupata haki ya kupiga kura. Sifa mojawapo ya kuweza kupiga kura ni kukaa sehemu moja kwa zaidi ya miaka mitano. Hapana shaka wengi wa wafanyabiashara hawa wana zaidi ya miaka kumi visiwani huo. Hivyo kwa wao kuandikishwa kupiga kura sio suala la kushangaza na kuandikiwa kwa namna hiyo! Zaidi hawa ni watanzania na wana haki ya kwenda sehemu yoyote ya nchi.
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Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Umeme sasa ni Machi 9 - ZECO
IMEDAIWA jana kuwa huduma ya umeme visiwani Zanzibar inatarajiwa kurudi Machi 9 baada ya kukamilika kazi za utengenezaji wa kituo cha kupokea umeme kilichopo Fumba, Mkoa wa Mjini Magharibi
Kaimu Meneja wa Shirika la Umeme Zanzibar (ZECO), Hassan Ali Mbarouk, aliwaambia waandishi wa habari kuwa kutokana na kukamilika kwa matengenezo cha Fumba huduma hiyo itarejea punde na kuwaahidi wananchi wasiwe na wasiwasi huduma hiyo itarejea siku hiyo.
Alisema kazi iliyobakia ni kuunganisha waya za umeme kutoka nchi kavu na baharini na kazi hiyo ya kuunganishwa kwa waya kutoka katika vituo vya Fumba hadi Ras Kiromoni Tanzania Bara itachukua muda wa siku tatu.
Alisema hadi Jumapili ijayo kazi ya matengenezo itakuwa imemalizika na matarajio Machi 8 kutafanyika vipimo vya majaribio na Machi 9 ndiyo huduma hiyo inatarajiwa kuwashwa na kurudi rasmi kwa umeme visiwani humo.
Pia aliweza kuwaambia waandishi wa habari kuwa kuchelewa kwa huduma hiyo kumesababishwa na mafuta yaliyokuwemo ndani ya waya zinazoleta umeme kutokuwa safi na kulazimika kusafishwa kwa muda wa siku tatu.
Wakazi wa visiwani humo wamekosa huduma hiyo ya umeme tangu Desemba mwaka jana, baada ya kutokea hitilafu katika kituo cha kupokea umeme huo kutoka Ras Kiromoni hadi Fumba mjini Unguja.
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Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Minister: Tourism Accounts for 80% of Zanzibar Revenue
Tourism in Zanzibar is a Sh163 billion industry and employs 10,500 people.
It is an indirect source of income for another 40,000 Zanzibaris, the minister of State in the President's Office (Finance and Economy), Dr Mwinyihaji Makame Mwadini, said.
He told The Citizen that the sector accounted for 80 per cent of government revenue. He attributed its increasing contribution to the national development to reforms adopted in the mid-1980s.
"The sector contributes about 22 per cent of GDP and about 80 per cent in government revenue. The overall growth of the sector, estimated at 9-10 per cent, has outpaced that of agriculture. But like most sectors of the economy, tourism has recently been affected by the global crisis," he said.
He believes that more jobs would have been created and household incomes boosted had it not been for the negative impact of the global recession in 2008. Zanzibar had a gross domestic product (GDP) of Sh738.7 billion in 2008.
The global recession cut the GDP growth rate to 5.4 per cent in the year from 6.3 per cent in 2007. The crisis also raised the cost of living to 20.6 per cent from 13.1 per cent during the same period as food became scarce and prices escalated.
The downturn also affected government revenues, capital inflows and export earnings but donors did not cut aid, which accounts for over 40 per cent of the government budget. However, he is optimistic that the industry will improve this year following signs of recovery in the second half of last year.
Members of the Zanzibar Association of Tourism Investors (Zati) are cautious that the rebound is not guaranteed. The Zanzibar Commission of Tourism (ZTC) reported that the number of tourists fell to 128,440 visitors in 2008 from 148, 283 the previous year.
However, a Zati report showed that the number of tourists increased to 97,711 in the first nine months of 2009 from 94,430 in the similar period the previous year.
"The global financial crisis made 2009 a bit difficult for Zanzibar's tourism and prospects for this year are clouded by the power problem," Zati chairman Simai Mohamed told The Citizen on the sidelines of the association's 2010 dinner party.
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Monday, 1 March 2010
Bwawani Hoteli kuuzwa kwa deni la mchele?
The Zanzibar High Court has blocked the decision to auction Bwawani Hotel after the Isles government presented a petition to settle its debt worth 1.6 trillion outside the court.
Speaking to this paper on Friday, the High Court Registrar Yesaya Kayange said the hotel’s auction was scheduled to take place on January 26 this year, but the High Court halted the decision after the respondent, the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs pleaded to settle the matter out of court.
“We received a request from the respondents asking us to halt the auction because they were ready to settle the matter out of court,” said the registrar.
However, Kayange said should the parties fail to reach an understanding, the matter would revert to court.
He noted that for now the court would not interfere because it had awarded both the parties time to settle the matter.
The court had authorized the auction of the hotel following the Zanzibar Ministry of Finance and Economics’ failure to pay a debt of 1.6trn/- to Leamthore Rice Company Ltd which had been awarded tender to supply rice to the government.
The order was issued on November 12 last year by the same registrar to execute a judgment that was delivered by high Court Judge Wolfgang Dourado on May 16, 1997.
Earlier, the company had filed a civil case no. 47/1997 following the governments failure to pay a debt of USD 69.4m after receiving rice from the same company and selling it in the local markets.
The company was being represented by advocate Dr Masumbuko Lamwai who had asked the court to order confiscation of government properties including a farm in Kijichi area.
Judge Dourado reached the decision following failure by the ministry’s permanent secretary Omar Sheha to appear in court.
The court then ordered the ministry to pay the debt in full including an interest of 25 per cent and the costs of the case.
However the ministry failed to pay the debt on time which accumulated to 1.6trn/-.
Bwawani Hotel was built by the first phase President, the late Abeid Amani Karume, and reports show that high profile businessmen from the Isles and Tanzania Mainland had shown interest in buying the hotel.
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Drug Free Zanzibar
Hivi karibu katika Hoteli ya Africa House kulifanyika onyesho la fund raising kwa ajili ya kuzuia utumiaji wa madawa ya kulevya kisiwani Zanzibar.
Hatua yoyote inayochukuliwa ili kuondoa matumizi ya madawa ya kulevya visiwani humo, inapaswa kuungwa mkono. Kwani athari za matumizi hayo sasa zimekuwa kubwa mno kiasi cha hata watoto wadogo kuanza kuathirika, kama ilivyoondika hapa.
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